Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Austin!

Wednesday, June 17, was Austin's 10th birthday and he celebrated it in Finnish style. My cousin, Lena, and her daughter, Ida, sang a song to him which is sung to wake up children on their birthday in Finland. He thought at first they were singing 'Happy Birthday', but then they explained.

Although Austin spent part of his birthday following us around shopping, he did get to pick the meals throughout the day. For breakfast, his grandmother made Svenska pleta, or Swedish pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon. For lunch in the city, we all ate a great McDonald's lunch, and for dinner, he chose good old American tacos. But then came more birthday celebration.

Before we left the US, I told him he was going to get a big surprise for his birthday (because I got it on my birthday when I turned 12 and 16 in Finland.}! He begged me to tell him what it was; he asked his cousins through email; he asked his grandmother and great grandparents but no one would tell him what it would be. So now it was time!

Instead of birthday spankings for the number of years you are, in Finland, they throw you up in the air and say 'hurrah' for the number of years you are and it is usually a surprise when it happens...and Austin was no exception! He absolutely loved it!

Then Lena made him a traditional Finnish birthday cake which was absolutely delicious. It was homemade chocolate (not from a box] with very thin layers. In between the layers was bananas and strawberries and then a little strawberry juice with added to the layers. Instead of frosting, real whipped cream (not cool whip) was used. Around the top of the cake were rows of sliced strawberries, and in the circle was crushed chocolate and toffee. It was heavenly! Of course, Austin blew out the candles, but then a few trick candles reignited!

He also received a few presents: a Finnish soccer ball, some lego models, a coffee cup with the famous Finnish cartoon character on it, and some money (Euros and dollars).

I am certain Austin will always remember his Finnish birthday when he turned 10 years old. Lena, Bo, Ida, Viktor, and Viktoria made it very special for him...Thanks!

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