Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Busy Day in Ekanas

Pic 1 Ekanas Harbor at 10 p.m.
Pic 2 View of sailboat from dinner cruise
Pic 3 Kids ready for the dinner cruise
Pic 4 Birthday dinner on cruise
Pic 5 Coast at "sunset"
Pic 6 Summer missions concert in Ekanas

On Friday, we spent the day at the beach town of Ekanas. We left Davis and Austin with Lars Erik at a park to play on the playground near the beach while the rest of us went shopping. After finding a few nice items, we met back and had lunch at a dockside restaurant.

At 5:30 p.m. we boarded a small cruise ship called the Sunnan II for a 4 hour trip around the islands of Southern Finland in the Gulf of Finland. We had a leisurely trip with bright warm sunshine (it has been around 80 since arriving in Ekanas on Wednesday) through some interesting scenery with boats, huge rock islands in the archipelago, and even some men streaking down their boardwalk as they came out of the sauna at their villa to dive into the cold water (I'll save those pictures til later!) We had a nice dinner to celebrate my birthday and continued to cruise. The lowering of the sun was again glorious as it was becoming overcast.

After we landed, we went back to the park from the afternoon to see a concert we had seen students advertising as we walked through town earlier. Much to our surprise and that of some highly intoxicated young people, the concert-drama presentation was performed by a group called 'Summer Action', a Christian outreach group who were from various countries and are working in Ekanas doing missions work for the summer. They did a series of Christian rock songs, drama, and interpretive dance and gave testimony and an invitation at the end. Though some of the audience detracted from the program at times, I know that some seeds were planted and that God will receive the glory for their efforts.

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