Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fishing and Waterparks

Picture 1 Cousin Åsa with daughter Tildy at the water park
Picture 2 Davis and Austin in the hot tub
Picture 3 and 4 Austin down the water slides
Picture 5 Davis with the big catch of the day
Picture 6 Jessica baiting hook for Isak
Picture 7 Cousin Viktor showing how to catch a fish

Davis, Austin, and Jessica have had a great time on the trip with all the different cousins they have met. On Friday and Saturday, our cousin Victor who is 16 took them on a short boat ride to a dock area where they could fish. On Friday it was not so successful with only 5 or 6 fish caught. But on Saturday, they caught 67! Half of them were too small and the other half were not the right ones to eat. But a few good sized ones were caught and a lot of fun was had by all!

On Monday, another cousin, Åsa (who visited my mom 3 years ago) took us to a nearby town and to the water park called Tropicale. (The weather here has turned wet and cold-45 F and rainy for the last two days.) Some of the waterpark is inside so we were able to swim and play in some very warm water, and the air inside is warm as well. The kids had a very good time!

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