Monday, May 25, 2009

Funny Money

Since Finland is a member of the European Union, instead of using "marks" for money which used to be the main denomination for Finnish money, they now use Euros which are accepted in countries that are members of the EU. For example, if I exchange 500 US dollars I will receive 325 Euros which is an exchange rate of 1.503 dollars per Euro.

Austin (my youngest son) figured it out quite quickly: If things cost more in Finland than they do in the US and if it takes 1 and 1/2 dollars to equal a Euro, then we are going to need a lot of spending money for our trip! Or as my mom said, we're going to have to watch our Euros carefully!

Here are some pictures of Euros in 5, 20, and 50 denominations. Like US dollars, the fronts and backs are different. But unlike US dollars, all the denominations are different colors and different sizes from each other, the 5 being the smallest.

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